(905) 235 8820


An allergy is a condition in which a person’s immune system reacts to substances in the environment that are normally harmless. These substances are called allergens. When a person is allergic to something, their immune system views the allergen as an invader and tries to fight it off. This can cause a range of symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and skin rashes. Some allergies can also cause more severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, dizziness, and even anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening reaction. Allergies can be triggered by a wide variety of substances, including pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, food, and certain medications.

What is an allergic reaction?

An allergic reaction is the body’s response to an allergen. When a person with an allergy comes into contact with an allergen, their immune system views the allergen as a threat and releases chemicals into the bloodstream to fight it off. These chemicals cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction can range from mild to severe and may include

  • Sneezing and runny nose
  • Itchy eyes, mouth, and throat
  • Rash or hives
  • Swelling of the face, lips, or tongue
  • Stomach cramps, diarrhea, or vomiting
  • Chest tightness or difficulty breathing
  • Dizziness or fainting

In severe cases, an allergic reaction can cause anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, rapid or weak pulse, and loss of consciousness. If you suspect that someone is experiencing anaphylaxis, call 911 or seek emergency medical help immediately.

Who do allergies affect?

Allergies can affect people of all ages, but they are more common in children and tend to run in families. People who have a family history of allergies are more likely to develop allergies themselves. Allergies can also develop later in life, even in people who have never had allergies before.

Allergies are very common, and it is estimated that about 20% of people in the United States have some type of allergy. Allergies can be triggered by a wide variety of substances, including pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, food, and certain medications. Some people may have allergies to only one or two substances, while others may be allergic to many different things.

What are the most common allergies?

The most common allergies are caused by substances that are found in the air, such as pollen, mold, and pet dander. These types of allergies are known as “allergic rhinitis” or “hay fever.”

Other common allergies include

Food allergies:

These occur when the body has an allergic reaction to certain foods, such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish.

Insect sting allergies:

These occur when a person is allergic to the venom in insect stings, such as bee stings or wasp stings

Drug allergies:

These occur when the body has an allergic reaction to certain medications, such as penicillin or aspirin.

Skin allergies:

These occur when the skin comes into contact with a substance that causes an allergic reaction, such as poison ivy or certain cosmetics.

It is important to note that allergies can vary widely from person to person. Some people may have allergies to only one or two substances, while others may be allergic to many different things.

Are allergies contagious?

No, allergies are not contagious. You cannot “catch” an allergy from someone else. Allergies are a type of immune system disorder, and they are caused by a person’s immune system reacting to certain substances in the environment (called allergens) that are normally harmless. Allergies tend to run in families, so if you have a family history of allergies, you may be more likely to develop allergies yourself. However, allergies are not contagious and cannot be transmitted from person to person.

How are allergies diagnosed?

Allergies are typically diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and allergy testing.

During the medical history, the healthcare provider will ask about the symptoms you are experiencing and when they occur. They will also ask about any potential exposures to allergens, such as pets, pollen, or certain foods.

During the physical examination, the healthcare provider will examine your skin, nose, and throat to look for signs of allergies, such as rashes or swelling.

  • Allergy testing is a way to determine what substance, if any, is causing an allergic reaction. There are several different types of allergy tests, including skin tests and blood tests.
  • Skin tests are the most common type of allergy test. During a skin test, a small amount of the suspected allergen is placed on the skin, and the skin is then pricked or scratched. If you are allergic to the substance, you will develop a raised, red bump (called a “wheal”) at the site of the skin test.
  • Blood tests can also be used to diagnose allergies. During a blood test, a sample of blood is taken and sent to a laboratory, where it is tested for antibodies to the suspected allergen. If you are allergic to the substance, your blood will contain higher levels of certain antibodies.
  • It is important to note that allergy testing is not always accurate, and it is possible to have a false-positive or false-negative result. Therefore, it is important to discuss the results of any allergy tests with a healthcare provider.

What is the best treatment for allergies?

The best treatment for allergies depends on the specific allergies you have and the severity of your symptoms. In general, the goal of allergy treatment is to reduce your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Some common allergy treatments include


If you know what you are allergic to, one of the best ways to treat your allergies is to avoid exposure to the allergens that trigger your symptoms.


There are several different types of medications that can be used to treat allergies, including antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays. These medications can help to reduce sneezing, itchy eyes, and congestion.

Allergen immunotherapy:

Allergen immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, is a long-term treatment that can help to reduce the severity of allergies. During immunotherapy, you will receive injections of small amounts of the allergens that trigger your symptoms. Over time, your body will become less sensitive to allergens, and your symptoms may improve.

Alternative therapies:

Some people with allergies find relief in alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, and hypnotherapy. It is important to talk to a healthcare provider before starting any alternative therapies, as they may not be appropriate for everyone.

You can always come and visit our pharmacist to determine the best treatment plan for your allergies. In some cases, a combination of treatments may be necessary to manage your symptoms effectively.

How can I prevent allergies?

There is no sure way to prevent allergies, but there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing allergies or to minimize your symptoms if you have allergies.

Here are some tips for preventing allergies:

  • Avoid known allergens: If you know what you are allergic to, try to avoid exposure to those substances as much as possible. For example, if you are allergic to pollen, keep windows closed and use air conditioning to help filter the air in your home. If you are allergic to certain foods, read labels carefully and avoid eating those foods.
  • Use an air purifier: An air purifier can help to filter out allergens from the air in your home.
  • Keep your home clean: Regularly cleaning your home can help to reduce the number of allergens in your environment. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, and wash bedding and other fabrics in hot water to kill allergens.
  • Use allergy-proof bedding: Allergy-proof bedding, such as mattresses and pillow covers, can help to reduce allergens in your bedroom.
  • Consider allergy shots: Allergen immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, can help to reduce the severity of allergies. During immunotherapy, you will receive injections of small amounts of the allergens that trigger your symptoms. Over time, your body will become less sensitive to allergens, and your symptoms may improve.

It is important to work with a healthcare provider to determine the best approach for managing your allergies. In some cases, a combination of prevention measures and treatment may be necessary to effectively manage your symptoms.

What is the difference between a cold and allergies?

A cold and allergies can have similar symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing, and congestion, but they are caused by different things.

A cold is a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory system (nose, throat, and sinuses). It is caused by a virus, such as the common cold virus or the flu virus. Colds are highly contagious and can be spread from person to person through respiratory secretions, such as saliva or mucus.

Allergies, on the other hand, are a type of immune system disorder. They are caused by a reaction to substances in the environment (called allergens) that are normally harmless. Allergies can be triggered by a wide variety of substances, including pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, food, and certain medications. Allergies are not contagious and cannot be spread from person to person.

To determine whether you have a cold or allergies, your healthcare provider will consider your symptoms, medical history, and any potential exposures to allergens. They may also order allergy testing or other diagnostic tests to help make a diagnosis. See our pharmacist if you are experiencing persistent or severe symptoms, as allergies can sometimes be mistaken for a cold or other respiratory infection.

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Tel: (905) 235 8820
Fax: (905) 235 8821


Optimum Pharmacy
615 Davis Dr. Unit#101, Newmarket,
ON L3Y 2R2

Pharmacy Hours

Monday -Thursday : 9:30am – 6:00pm
Friday: 9:30am – 5:00pm
Saturday: 11:00am – 3:00pm
Sunday: Closed
Accreditation No. 307499

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